Editor and Marketing - Andrea Buck is an accomplished screenwriter and story analyst. She has been working in film and television for over two decades producing films like DEADLY CHASE, the award winning RUNNING WILD with Brooke Shields and Martin Sheen, THE JAMMED (noted as the best Australian film of 2007) and more recently 10terrorists! She recently won a Silver Dolphin Award at the 2012 Cannes Corporate Awards for A DOCTORS LIFE. She has been marketing and distributing films within The Picture Tank.


 Proofing and Additional verse - Tricia Church is a retired Classroom Teacher and School Principal with 37 years of experience in the teaching of English to pupils ranging from 5 years to 16 years of age. She has wide experience in relating to children in sporting endeavours and private tuition, and for the past ten years has been working in the Film Industry, mainly in Research and Proof Reading.

 Publicity Consultant - Jacinta Le Plastrier

 Legals - Jenny Lalor